Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Nothing. Seriously! Nothing.

There's nothing more gloomy than a rainy winter's day in the Midwest!  See what I have to work with when I'm slogging around in the mud to bring you the beauties of nature?  I hope you appreciate it!  ;-)

But I'm nothing if not creative, so here are a couple more shots from the same location.  The first is a simulation of a neat film technique called cross processing, in which film intended for development with slide chemicals is developed with photographic negative chemicals, and vice versa.  It gives high-contrast photos with strange saturation and color.  Some people really like the unreal quality.

And next is a shot of plain old cracks in the ice, but with exaggerated contrast between the light and dark areas.  I like this - doesn't it look like something radioactive is trying to pop out?  : )

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