Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Nothing. Seriously! Nothing.

There's nothing more gloomy than a rainy winter's day in the Midwest!  See what I have to work with when I'm slogging around in the mud to bring you the beauties of nature?  I hope you appreciate it!  ;-)

But I'm nothing if not creative, so here are a couple more shots from the same location.  The first is a simulation of a neat film technique called cross processing, in which film intended for development with slide chemicals is developed with photographic negative chemicals, and vice versa.  It gives high-contrast photos with strange saturation and color.  Some people really like the unreal quality.

And next is a shot of plain old cracks in the ice, but with exaggerated contrast between the light and dark areas.  I like this - doesn't it look like something radioactive is trying to pop out?  : )

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fluffy Fierce

I took a drive to the Mississippi River to look for eagles.  They hang out at the dams as the river starts to freeze.  I saw a couple, with the wild brown tangle of trees almost hiding them.  So I waved my wand and turned the trees white.  Much better!  It's good to be Queen.    ; )

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Private Thoughts Of Birds

"Oh yes, I love the snow.  Love it!  Can't get enough!"


(Dang, my feet are cold!)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Soar Anyway

Non illegitimi te carborundum.
(Don't let the bastards get you down.)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013