In an unexpected turn of events today, an extremist anti-commercialism group is claiming responsibility for the death of Santa Claus. Mr. Claus was killed early this morning in what is reported to be a drive-by shooting. Also dead are Mickey Mouse and two unidentified snowmen. The deaths are being hailed as a blow against the rampant greed that has slowly eroded the true meaning of Christmas. Leaders everywhere are hailing it as a first small step in throwing off the yoke of retailers, long seen as having a stranglehold over the hearts of children and the pocketbooks of parents. It was thought that this domination would continue until everyone in the world became utterly controlled by their possessions.
Police are investigating, although one officer was heard to say, “It's about time!” The National Weather Service has also become involved, claiming that the deaths are a result of an errant wind gust.
Oh dear me! And I thought I was being controversial.
Could I enlist your aid in writing my blog verbiage?
Hmmm, I think I've gotten a sneak preview of pathos.
LOL Lutefisk! What, me controversial? No, no, just attempting to entertain my adoring fans! :D
Oh, alright, my adoring fan (singular). :)
This is the very best photo-commetary I've ever seen! I am a bit late in checking out your blog, and I love your uploads at Wunderground. Thanks for sharing your gifts.
Betsy Richter
Thank you so much, Betsy!! I'm just glad I can amuse someone other than myself! :)
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