Monday, May 27, 2013

This Is Not A River

It's a calculated risk.  Bottom ground near rivers floods, on average, about one year in three.  But the other two years the rich soil produces a beautiful crop.  So is this the year you win a bountiful crop, or lose the expense of seed, fuel, and fertilizer?  It's usually a worthwhile gamble.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Coming Apart At The Seams

Livestock disappeared from small family farms years ago.  Now the unused barns are following suit.  A whole way of life ended and we didn't notice at the time.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Paper Patterns

If you're wondering, this is the peeling bark of the paper birch, also known as white birch.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


The soil will scour the rust off the corn planter.  Soon, hopefully.  It can stop raining any time now!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Against The Flow

And now for something different.  This is a portion of an abstract painting I just finished.  To me it means the struggle against barriers in our lives.  No one is without them.  Do we find a way to flow around them, or do we stagnate in place?

I don't really understand (or appreciate) non-representational art.  It's too vague, it raises more questions than it answers.  As a rational person that bothers me.  But it certainly gives the painter a tactile, wordless way to express feelings, which is valuable to that one person.  However, I'm not sure they have enough meaning to anyone else that they belong in museums.  What do you think?