Monday, August 27, 2012

Mirror, Mirror

Big Horn Lake, Wyoming.  Oasis of life in the desert.

Irresistible Attraction

to the shapes and colors of the Pryor Mountains, which sweep across the border from northern Wyoming to southern Montana.

Wild Mustangs, Pryor Mountains, Montana

O Beautiful For Spacious Skies

A Crack In The Desert

Local Color

A wild mustang.  You can tell them from other horses by their compact form, a black stripe down their spine, and the zebra-like stripes on their legs.  Two hundred years of surviving in the wild produced a small sturdy horse perfectly suited to its desert home.

Evening At Devil's Overlook

Little Red Butte

That Expansive Feeling

The broad spacious plateau on top of the Big Horn Mountains lets you feel on top of the world without climbing gear.

I Wish The Word Awesome Weren't So Overused

Places like Shell Canyon are so impressively beautiful that it seems fitting to stop and appreciate it properly.  You can drive through this narrow gorge and up to the top of the mountains in a few minutes.  But . . . why would you?

Open Range

Cow Dog

I thought it was a herding dog frisking across the hills on the other side of the valley, but when I looked through my telephoto lens I saw it was actually a long-haired cow!  What an amazing thing!

Where Earth Meets Heaven

Cool Clear Water

Cold running water at the top of the world, the Big Horn Mountains in northeastern Wyoming.

Exclamation Of Beauty

Frosting On Top Of The World

Snow in July on the stunning Beartooth Highway, Montana.

In Her Natural Element

It's we who are guests in her home.

Rain Over Yellowstone Lake

Evening On The Terrace

Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park

Thunder On The Mountain

Breakfast Al Fresco

Inner Strength

Utter Calm

Replenishing Old Faithful

Contemplating Confrontation

Got Milk?

Quoth The Raven

Nap Time

I love these elk!  They don't have the evil stare of goats, but they're not tame either.  They're just right.

Eat Your Greens

That Obligatory Moulton Barn



Everyone who visits Grand Teton National Park takes a picture of this.  I can't resist, either.

Now You Can Breathe

Moose Yoga

Something I've learned with age:  there is no moral high ground awarded for not scratching mosquito bites.

Catch Me If You Can!

Ha, telephoto lens!  Gotcha!

Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal of the Day

Of course, they keep eating all day.  That's why they're big and, um, big.

Fresh Sage In The Morning

Everyone's Mental Picture of the West

The West, Circa 2012

Someone asked me what they're rebelling against:  Hello, Kitty?    ;-)

FYI To My Fellow Tourists

No matter how many pictures you take of them, they still aren't buffalo.

Grow Where You're Planted

Buffalo Bill Reservoir, Cody, WY