Thursday, April 29, 2010

Rotten To The Core

"I had to shoot him. He didn't leave me a choice."

So sad when saguaros go bad. ; )

Monday, April 5, 2010


Well, not really. It's just the reflection of one of the many upscale homes springing fullblown from the desert. Beautiful neighborhoods with coordinating colors and xeriscaping, and shiny new rain barrels collecting the precious runoff from flat roofs.

They're part of the boom-and-bust cycle of employment, which I'm neither qualified to, nor interested in, discussing. But coming from an area where the "bust" has been dominant for more years than I care to admit remembering, it's delightful to see homes that are new. Clean-lined. Pretty. Long may they last!

Subtle Colors

We were in Arizona at the end of February. Still winter almost anywhere in the northern hemisphere. The overall impression was greenish-brown, and of course the ever-present blue of distant hills. Looking closer, however, yields lovely color rewards even in the blandest seasons.